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Will Briggs is a 22 year old designer based in Raleigh, North Carolina, inspired by vintage clothes, Boston sports, and the endless possibilities of humanity and culture. With a focus in branding, apparel, and a passion for creating unique and visually stunning content, Briggs is ready to take on any project. Click on the "Portfolio" tab to view some of the projects he's worked on. 

What I do, is love made visual. 

about us

Areas of Expertise

What makes great apparel?

A deep understanding of fashion, textiles, and people. It requires not only an eye for the aesthetic, but also an in-depth knowledge of materials, garment construction, industry trends, and culture. . My ability to translate creative visions and sketches into wearable art is something I take a lot of pride in, and one of my favorite areas to work in, in design.

Digital Media

In today's fast-paced digital world, proficiency in digital media is absolutely essential to being relevant online. I offer the service of creating stunning graphics that will leave your audience in awe. Whether you're just starting out, or need a little extra help in the graphics department, I know I can bring value to your brand and make its online presence look nice.  

Identity and audience

A brand goes much further than a logo or mark. What are your values? What do you care about? Who do you want to care about you? These are foundational questions that help transform a brand from a mark into something timeless. All of those things can come across in an identity, and lucky for you, it's what I happen to do best.

Print Media

Print media is an entirely different realm than digital media, things such as color systems, communicating with printers, alignment, and so much more come into play here. Print media also happens to be one of my favorite things to do. There's no better feeling than being able to physically hold your creation. If you need some print media help, I'm more than ready and passionate about creating something for you. 


Great design is a contact form away.

If interested in design services of any kind, please respond to this forum and I will be in contact soon!

Thanks for submitting!

© 2024 by Will Briggs. 

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